Kairos Works
Oct 20th 2014

Matthew 19:6 "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

I bet this passage is no new for many of us. We heard it very often in wedding ceremonies we attended. Others even engraved that beautiful words on their wedding invitation, thank you cards, signage, or their status on social media. Yes, I couldn't agree more, this words is very beautiful and sometimes we used it to describe how lucky we are when God finally unite us with our soul mate.

Many, including me, focused at "What God has joined together, let no one separate." We use it to declare that from that moment on, we will be walking side by side through goods and bads in our life. No one can separate us, until death do us part.

But is it really that easy? If God really joined two people together, then why do we still have quarrels, fights and some even decided to separate? If God actually joined them together, how they can be separated ? This question has been bugging me over and over again.

But thank God, I found the answer when I meet this beautiful couple Edward & Farah.

First, like other couples do, they are so adorable. They hold hands every time, they look at each other with full attention every time one of them is talking, they are excited in every conversation they have, they care for each other, and on every single thing they do, they sparkle it with love. But more than what meets the eye, I realized something even deeper. Something more powerful that became the answer of my question above.

Every time I meet with them, when I asked them about anything, for example, "Who choose the wardrobe for their prewedding session?" , "Who choose the locations?" , "Who took the responsibility to manage the wedding things?" and so many more questions, they always answer with "We did". There is always "We" in each of their answer, and it opened my eyes.

Sometimes we focused on "What God has joined together, let no one separate" but we forget in that passage, it is also said "So they are no longer two, but one flesh".

In many relationship, we often argue and fight over a very selfish reason, like when our partner don't want to do what we want, don't understand what we think, don't agree what we say, don't follow what we asked them to do, and a lot of "I" things.

We forget to understand that in a relationship, it is not about our self anymore, but it is about to love, to understand, to tolerance, and to care our partner like we do it to our self. This is one of the most important key to have a never ending happiness in relationship, when we love our partner like we love ourselves. When their needs become our needs too, when their passion become our passion also, when their thought as important as our thoughts, and make our partner becomes inseparable part of our self as one flesh.

That day, this enlightenment brighten my day, when I understand there is no "I" in "We".

Thank you Edward and Farah, for teaching us this very precious life lesson.

And we would like say Congratulation also for your wedding ! We know that both of you have prepared all the things to make this wedding one of the most memorable moment in your life, but more than that we also surely know that your relationship will be beautiful and inspiring because long before, you guys already decorated your love life with the most important key of inseparable love.

By this time,every time we heard "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.", it will be different.

Lots of Love,
Artha The

Story & Photo by Artha